Thursday, February 28, 2008

Another A HA moment

I truly love A HA moments. When I have them, I know that God knows, that I finally get something he has been telling me. I had one this morning on my way to work.

I usually use morning travel time to spend time with God. This morning as God and I were chatting. This thought came to me.

God created us and then had to buy us back.

I have thought about this off and on today. I have always believed that God created us. I have known Christ died, and paid for our sins. I guess I am getting at the absurdity of the thought. I put it in terms of a mother giving birth to her child and then having to buy that child. Hope this gives you some food for thought.
(maybe this was just an A HA moment for me)



WaynO said...

Deb, I loved your aha moment. To think about Christ this way changes the way a person might respond to his calling on a life. Great to see you posting again. WaynO

Editor and Publisher Shelly Burke said...

What an awesome thought, Deb! Thanks for sharing it.