Saturday, March 8, 2008


As I started to learn more about God, I learned it is relational and in any relationship there needs to be trust. But trust is one thing I had a hard time with, because the very people who should have been instilling trust in me are the very ones, that took the trust away. As I starting working on having a relationship with God, I would pray about something and he would answer my prayer. I started off with small things, because of my trust issues, but as He answered those small prayers even when the answer was no, I was learning I could trust God to do what he said he would. Of course this wasn't an overnight thing either. I have been building a relationship with God for 24 years. I can say today I trust God with my life.

God has healed the old hurts and wounds. Some were deeper than others and I still feel the hurts sometimes, but as the past rears its ugly head, I go to God and he helps me through His Word and leads me to the scripture I need to read or maybe to a book, or a person. God is amazing in the ways he talks to us.(me)

As I have come to trust God, I have been able to give Him more of myself. I learned it is easy to trust a God who doesn't demand. He won't push his way into your life. He will nudge once in awhile, but he lets you come to him. He won't interfere unless you ask him to.

Revelations 3:20 "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me." God won't come in until you open the door.

1 comment:

WaynO said...

I think this is very true. God is not an intruder but an invited guest that is like the best house maid, cook, babysitter, spouse, or what ever else we need that the world has ever had.
It would be great if Shaun would click over here and to Kansas Bob as well.
It all ties so well together and with what other stuff I have been reading that I feel excited but at the same time some anxiety that I don't know what to do with what I feel and know.