Sunday, December 9, 2007

I started to say that it has been awhile since on have been here. but, that would not be the truth I have logged on to see if there has been any comments made to what I have already, written here. I was visiting with God this morning and he told me it doesn't matter about any comments he just wants me to put in words what in my heart.

Today, I am feeling very sad and trying to find the joy in this season. This time of year is very hard for me. This isn't something new. It has been going on for many years. It started when I moved with my husband to his hometown, a very small town in Nebraska(by the way Nebraska is home to me now). I had been lived my whole life (22 yrs) on the south side of Chicago. We did share holidays, but something changed. His family did everything different from what my family did. So, I tried to start our own family traditions. But, that did little to relieve my seasonal blues. My husband always made this statement about me. Stay away from her from Nov 1st till Jan 2nd. He wasn't off the mark. It was like this demon took over. No matter how hard I tried, I could not and still struggle, with this season. Even after experiencing Christ. I love Christ with my whole heart and some wouldn't know it by my behavior at this time of year. I know that part of the problem is the getting ready. All the extra cooking(and I love to cook). The shopping, the expectations. So, I have decided to really focus on the reason for the season. I will do the cooking and the present shopping and wrapping and all that stuff for God's glory. I will call on God this season to rid me of the demon that takes over. The enemy knows what this season means and will do all he can to discredit Christ's followers. He doesn't want the gospel message to spread, so he tries to thwart the messengers. I do feel that I am a messenger of the word.

So, for any of you out there that may be struggling and just trying to hang on there is hope. Grab hold of Christ and God's living word. His word will thwart the enemy.I John 4:4 He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. God is greater and is our help in times of struggling.


Editor and Publisher Shelly Burke said...

HI Deb--

I'm so sorry this time of year is so tough for you! I struggle, too, with the expectations of decorations, cooking, etc., etc., etc. Sometimes I wish we could just forget about all that and focus on JESUS!

I really like your idea of doing all for GOD'S glory! I will do so from now on.

Blessings to you, and my prayers for God's peace on your spirit.

Love and hugs,

Editor and Publisher Shelly Burke said...

Hi Deb--

I'm sorry this time of year is so hard for you! Sometimes I wish we could just forget the gifts and tree and cooking and all that and just focus on the REAL reason for Christmas! I've been struggling with this, too . . . and I do every year, also. I really like your thoughts about doing everything related to the season for GOD'S glory, not for our own! That's a neat way to look at it and I will do that from now on.

Prayers for peace for you!