Monday, January 14, 2008

Too many directions!!

After I made my last post, I checked out some other blogs. Came back to mine. I think the reason I haven't been inspired to write here, is because I am going in too many directions. I need to stay focused on the direction that God has for me. A saying I heard some time ago. If satan can't get ya to sin, he'll make ya busy or at least distract ya. Now I am not saying that the devil made me do it. I just think that sometimes he screws with us like he did with Job. Sometimes we think God wants us to do it all. We can't. I have found that if I get too busy, I only half do things and everything suffers. So, I have been trying to really focus my attention on what I hear God telling me. Not what the world would have me doing.

If we are running in too many directions, do we do justice to what we are doing? Is it not better to do one thing really well, than try to do a lot of things that will only get half done, or not done very well? Only asking?

The first and foremost important thing we can do is find a quiet time. A time to spend with God. Jesus did find time to spend with the Father. I know that when I am spending time with God, I learn, I am less harried, I get refreshed. Joy builds in my heart. Then I can go on, to the next task.

1 comment:

Editor and Publisher Shelly Burke said...


I've been thinking lately about the devil distracting us, too, and I definitely agree with you--he screws with us! Look at all of our distractions--computer, TV, phone, etc., etc., etc. . . . we have to have that time with God to help us to focus and stay on task.